The Thinker
JoinedTopics Started by The Thinker
Compling a list of JW Matchmaker web sites
by The Thinker ini now a good jw woman who is single and looking for a hubby, i am suggesting to her to try some of the jw match maker web sites, i know of 2 so far.
The new OM Book.
by The Thinker inon sunday they released the new version of the om book.
( i'm not sure if they still call it the om book) but i got myself 3 copies.
i might sell one of them.
If you love something set it free.
by The Thinker inif you love something set it free.. if it returns it was yours.
if it doesn't retunr it never was yours.. i wonder many times how many jw's would stay jw's if the wts didn't shun those who leave.
i'm sure they must wonder too, thats why they keep the shunning continue.
Watchtower Television Advertisement
by The Thinker inwe had the c/o meeting this week and he confirmed on the platform that the watchtower is "experimenting" with television add's in the usa.
he also said that they are on 'community' television and are free.
anyone ever seen them?
Does anyone here still go witnessing??
by The Thinker inyes, does anyone in this board still go witnessing?
i am married to a jw wife, ( a good woman to !
) i have 2 young teenage girls, and we all go to most meetings all the time, i've known about the wts lies for a few years now, and i haven't gone to fs for about 3 years, i give a modest report to shutup the elders.